Originally Posted by portenio
You are missing the point... How often we reset is not in question... Rather how to get rid of the Splash image.
I understand that - but if you never reset, does it really matter what the splash screen looks like?
And what I meant about those guys being wrong is only because they advise to flash just any different rom and the chef should go away. When if fact flashing back to JD's rom which did not have that splash in the begining now all of a sudden does...
Kinda confusing... That's all...
Yeah, I get the confusion on "just any ROM". What we meant was to flash a ROM you know has the images you want (e.g. a stock ROM), rather than a random rom which could have none or any splash image including the very ones you want gone, and then flash back to the custom rom of your choice (which obviously doesn't have a splash defined or you wouldn't have the problem in the first place).