Originally Posted by ashoksoft
I don't know if these tweaks are going to be of any use to you - but I got this handset imported to india - GPS never worked - fiddled around till I got it up and running with standalone giving me an exact fix in under 11 seconds :
Check out my post on http://www.rimweb.in/forums/index.ph...opic=13024&hl=
do reply if these settings were of any help.
Admins / Mods : I'm unable to post more than 4 images here hence I've provided the link - if you find anything offensive / objectionable - please edit / delete as deemed fit.
thanks for this post.. i've picked up GPS TEST from this, which so far is working out great as a primer.. i havent had any luck with any other primer/plugins, except Holux Viewer... and that ones been acting up lately.. this looks like it could be the winning ticket for me..
thanks again. i might post this in the GPS Titan Faq here on ppcgeeks..