Originally Posted by matthew23
i am actually having this problem too. I think it has to do with now thee are more options than just email and SMS. Now there is MMS. before, each button was mapped to the repective accounts but now there is another account to account for. I have JD's new ROM and have this issue.
same issue after using JD's rom (OEM rom). email icon on home screen used to open email inbox, now it opens "messaging" instead of email inbox.
i haven't figure out why, but im working on finding a fix. tons of people have this issue with no solution it seems.. just search google for "htc home email button" and you'll see all the similar cases..
i dont think it's because of the MMS, as i dont have an MMS inbox and my email on htc home screen always takes me back to the last used account.. so if i had last launched txt msgs then that is what will open when i click email icon on htc home.. it's rather annoying but no current work-around will fix it, unfortunately.