Originally Posted by dharvey4651
Ironically, right after I got Rev A working for sure I took it and flashed the original OS back to it and relocked it. I took it up to a Sprint repair shop and told them about a bunch of problems that I never really had to get a brand new Touch. The only real problem with the phone was that the housing was cracked and the power button didn't work because I slipped on some ice and fell on it this past winter.
I'm amazed they actually replaced it but now I think I am going to wait for the official Rev A update from Sprint should they ever release it. There is just too much involved with getting Rev A on it right now and it is too unstable.
Thanks for the upload...
it's sad but sometimes you have to work around the system like that

it's good that you have a new phone though. I am going to wait for the official Rom as well. so far the Alltel's Rom does me alright.