Originally Posted by Nickles
dumb question of the day.. where is the .nbh hiding.
example, i went into the Kitchen directory, and i have 'Titan_No2Chem_5054_WM6.1.rar' sitting in there.... i can explore it via Winrar, but i don't see anything in the ROM directory....
what am i missing..
Nickles, if you are using the kitchen i believe that you will need to cook up the ROM first, then you can get the NBH from one of two locations (listed below),
you ONLY extract the NBH when it's from an EXE (like say an official release like 3.35)
Locations to obtain NBH from kitchen cooked ROM for mogul (actual location may vary in Vista)
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\hIq Inc\PPC-BuildOS\
*edited for clarity*