Originally Posted by vetvito
I haven't tried the kitchen but I do read(A lot), and I remember seeing posts about Windows media player, if you don't include it your ringtones won't work.
I cam across a quick fix by mistake, I didn't include the actual .exe in my test build and all sounds work. In theory one could just delete the .exe and all the bmps and other photos and leave the encoding files and your sounds should work.
Hope this helps someone.
Yes, there are ways to do it. However, it then requires someone to start picking out files. For simplicity sake, it is just easier to require it. Since rom size is not an issue any more, I really don't know why it is an issue. I guess I don't understand why people absolutely want it removed. As with anything built into a rom, you can very easily delete the .lnk (shortcuts) in \Start Menu\Programs and possibly \Startup depending on the app. This will have the same effect as pulling the .exe from an OEM.