Originally Posted by CheeZa
yes i do think sprint has some sort of filter. Basically its a Smartphone or PDA Blocker. All other phones are sending MMS.
this would be a great idea, question is how? How do we clone it?
I'm sure I wrote about this in the initial "MMS no longer working" thread, but I can't find it to link at the moment.
Basically, its NOT the device's ESN that is being blocked.
I've had handsets cloned to my Mogul's ESN for a while now. As soon as MMS stopped working all that time ago, I did a test from my backup Samsung m300 cloned to my Mogul's ESN. The m300 had no problem sending pictures, despite the fact that Sprint thinks it came from my mogul according to my account and ESN.
I'm guessing the block has more to do with Arcsoft's software. Or perhaps a Device ID string that gets sent with the message? Without further testing, I can't be sure. Problem is there is no way of really testing without having a private MMS server set up that we can connect a PDA with arcsoft to and monitor its output.
Either way, cloning your ESN to another phone clearly won't help. Perhaps it would allow incoming MMS tho. Outgoing would still be blocked.