Since I'm apparently the only one on here who seems to care about the Bell Music store I'll go into a little detail about why I wanted it to work. You see I'm with Bell Mobility and I use text messaging more than I use voice calling so I want unlimited text messages. 1000 a month might be enough but I want it unlimited just because

Well for $20/month I can get Text Messaging 5000 or for $25/month I can get Fun 25 Music which includes unlimited text/picture and video messages along with unlimited mobile browser, caller ID and voicemail, and unlimited music, radio and tv downloads. Well since I'm going to pay for it anyways I kinda want it to work. So I've been messing with it and I've got it to work. If any other Bell users want access to it on this rom, here's how: Goto windows\appdb folder. You'll find some java files here named s0_suite and so on. These are the sprint store data files. Ghetto you may want to remove these if you want to clear up some more room

Anyways I just deleted them but you may want to move so you can restore later as they are the java midlets for any java programs you might have installed. Copy the music.exe file I attached to your windows folder and link it to your Start Menu\Procrams. Now browse here to download the files : http:/
Now when you click on the the Music icon in Programs it should take you to the correct app. LOL now that I went through all that I might just wind up scrapping it anyways.