Originally Posted by princeof179
well im not sure but ill do some homework for you and find out. it feels nice the youth helping the elders. I feel like a boyscout
I'm an old timer, but not old
I decided to keep the BT on (on the phone). The extra battery drain (versus if I turned off BT for the 8 hrs I'm at work) isn't significant enough to hassle with it.
I have downloaded QuickMenu and will try it. I really don't want to mess w/ a cooked ROM (not that I'm too old and frail to attempt it). I just need an easy way to see if I left Comm Mgr running and I see it also prevents ActiveSync from running upon soft reset (or power off/on).
Do I need poutlook or anything else in the startup folder (besides VistaHide BatteryGuage)?