Terminated mstli.exe and got back 10MB of RAM
First off I want to say I have no idea what the hell I’m doing so don’t try this at home.
I was wondering what was hogging up all my RAM so I downloaded MemMaid. I checked under running process and this is what it looked like:
Mstli.exe 9.41MB
Device.exe 2.81 MB
Gwes.exe 2.48 MB
Filesys.exe 2.22 MB
Shell32.exe 1.49 MB
Cprog.exe 1.29 MB
Services.exe 1.22 MB
Photocontacts.exe 1.8 MB
Memmaid.exe 1003.62KB
S2u2.exe 707.78KB
Connmgr.exe 139.71KB
Poutlook.exe 131.90KB
Sddaemon.exe 39.90KB
HTC_CM_guardian.exe 11.90KB
Ilock2.exe 3.90KB
NK.exe 0Bytes
I terminated mstli.exe and got back 10 MB. I went from having 7MB to now having 17MB. The only thing as far as I can tell that happened is my photo contacts pro disappeared from the today screen. I can still get to it and use it, it’s just no longer on the today screen. I also have pocket plus running on the today screen and that is still there and working along with all my short cuts inside there. Maybe I just haven’t come across what I screwed up yet, maybe there nothing.
What started me screwing around was before the 3.35 rom update I was starting off with 17MB after a soft reset and at the end of the day I would have around 12MB. Now after the update with everything set up the same as before I am staring off with 11MB and dropping to 5MB within a couple hours.
I guess I’m running quite a few things on my today screen. Date, Calendar, Photo Contacts Pro, S2U2, Pocket plus, inside that: (Weather panel & Windows live).
So running these things here should I be starting off with only 11MB and dropping to 5MB? What’s with the 7MB difference from the last rom and this one? What is mstli.exe used for? What is the rest of these things it shows I have running and can I terminate any of them?