Originally Posted by milda25
I'm back in the game. I do not know how, but I drained from my battery last a few milliamps, performed the task 29 and recorded LK. Then the phone started charging correctly. I left him half an hour on the charger, then flashed recovery.img, installed OMGB and voala - it works. Eagerly await the update with the new system of charging 
Ahh man glad you are back on. I actually purposely drain batts until they can't even power on the phone to test. Ive been doing it for a week now with the new recovery + charger. This is how i get around it with a fully dead batt.
the winmo bootloader can run on usb power, so you can safely flash LK and recovery. Once you have flashed those two, then you need to just unplug usb, pull battery out (wait 2 seconds) and plug back into usb (or wall charger). Led will be orange and will remain orange. New batt charger code will go green after a few hours once it reaches 95%. Then, you are ready to go back into recovery and flash away. The old charge code was good, but never turned the led green or it wouldnt turn off if you unplugged it. Also there was a bug with the speed the cpu was set to make sure we are charging more than draining. That may have caused random reboots in the past, but so far I haven't seen it in my new tests.
I just ground up some fresh coffee, made myself a nice double shot espresso and ready to write some code.