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Old 01-29-2012, 11:44 PM
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Re: [TESTING] XDAndroid GBX0B 2.3.7 Build

Originally Posted by Sc/ant864 View Post
Sounds like something is running in the background, syncing alot or your battery is just about shot. The FRX builds didn't charge the battery completely, to get a total full charge you had to do it in WM. Make sure you always back out of apps when done using them and not just hit the end call key. Turn all your sync intervals up to atleast an hour.
How do I verify if something is running in the back? Also, I normally just hit end button key when I am done with the app, how do I properly make sure it's back out of apps when done?

Also today, it freezed twice for me, and sometimes, it just stop working completly. Thanks!
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