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Old 09-26-2011, 04:21 PM
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Re: Looks Like My TP2/SPRINT Days are Over

And so it goes...

TP2 #7 arrived today and I went an picked it up....and the keyboard was bad. Yep, quality control at its best.

So, the technician took apart #6 and scavanged the keyboard from it and then disassembled #7 and there was crud inside of it! She wouldn't say that it was water damage but the indicator on the outside of the battery compartment was gone AND the one on the inside housing was BRIGHT RED!! However, the one on the motherboard was still pink. So, she peeled off the plastic backing from the KB and cleaned it and it still didn't work so she ended up swapping with #6.

No blue spots on #7's screen but it does have the rainbow/oil slick, however, she told me that that was "normal for refurbs". IMHO, its due to moisture as was clearly indicated by the completely red moisture indicator.

I'll tell you what though. The tech was GORGEOUS and in her early to mid 20's and she tore into that TP2 like there was no tomorrow. I smalltalked while she was working on it and asked how many she had worked on before and she said it was her first TP2.

So, # 71/2 is now sitting on my desk getting synced and I guess I'll see how this goes....

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