Originally Posted by CripledCyclone
I'm in Atlanta, my normal 3G speed is atleast 2 maybe 3Mb/s, it's also going faster then my 4G if you read my whole post.
CripledCyclone hmm I don't remember how fast it was the last time I was in ATL which was last year, but then again speedtests weren't an issue for me last year because my connection was actually fast enough for anything I wanted to do and wherever i went. can't say the same thing now at least in my hometown anyway, even the 1x i occasionally encounter on my train commutes to and from Chicago is faster than the 3G in my hometown and THATS BAD!!! as i said before I'd love to see 1m like i used to on 3G so u still have nothing to complain about as far as that goes, but for 4G 1m is slow.