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Old 09-16-2011, 07:35 PM
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Re: Looks Like My TP2 Days are Over

Well, I went back to the store today and the tech did in fact verify that the screen did have the rainbow and the blue spot but when she went to order the replacement she got a message - and showed it to me too - that said "warning this customer has had in excess of five replacements within the last 60 days". It would not let her go past that screen to order another phone so I went home and called the bitch line again. I did maintain my composure, dignity and tact and was transferred to corporate "escalations" where I got to speak with a very friendly rep who was apparently well practiced in dealing with people like me... LOL. She politely told me that I had exhausted all of my alotted replacements and I replied that it would not have happened had Sprint not had better quality control and the reason for replacements was sprints fault and not mine. So, after some time on the phone with her, I was transferred to the "multiple replacements" Dpt. (where the heck do they come up with this crap?). So then I was told that they had not received the replacement that the sprint store sent back yesterday so they could not do anything until it was logged back in which could take up to a week. Good way to shut me up.
The funny thing was when the escalations girl started reading the notes on my account, her response was "oh, oh my goodness".

So in the mean time, a regedit fixed the proximity sensor and it sticks after a SR, but I still have the rectangular rainbow and blue spot.

Looks like I have to wait until next Friday and drive back out to the repair center and have my phone looked at.

Oh and she gave me the option of replacing my wifes phone for free but I refused because I had to re-up for two more years and then she told me that she could send me a replenish which I refused.

Stay tuned...

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