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Old 09-06-2011, 08:01 PM
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Re: Looks Like My TP2 Days are Over

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
yup time to get that arrive.
Yeah, I was just on the phone with support and it HR'd while I was talking to them. The phone sounds like crap and I could hardly understand the guy.

He said they are sending out another TP2 and I told him that I did not want another refurb. He said that they go through a "rigrous quality control inspection" and I pointed out all the problems I've had since Saturday with TWO phones. He told me that he was "100% certain" that I'd be happy with the phone I get. I asked about the Arrive and he said that he was not authorized to send one out so I asked for someone that was and spoke with his supervisor who told me no can do. I told him if the next phone has any problem at all that I wanted something else.

So, we'll see what happens. This one wont be here for another three days.

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