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Old 08-13-2011, 01:08 PM
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Re: Can a TP2 connect to a HDD and SD reader?

Your best bet is actually some "old tech" that is now CHEAP tech if you can find it.

back in the day before multi gig memory cards we have a problem with high resolution camera's - filling the damned cards and running out of space.

so we had these gadgets it was a portable external 2.5" laptop hard disc but the enclosure had a screen and memory card slots.

you pop your sd card into the slot hit GO and it dumps the sd card to the HARD DISK.

the nice ones had a small LCD screen so you could see the pictures you downloaded AND (important) verify a good transfer

the older Creative color screen hard disk players ALSO did this.

I forgot what they "CALL" these things I know they are on ebay but lack the memory of what search terms to use to bring them up

I did find an example of what I mean on for $250 - DIGITAL FOCI PICTURE PORTER 35 250GB

you just plug in your memory card and download its contents to the hard disk. now you can reuse the memory card.
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