Originally Posted by acts
After reading this thread, I just have to say this:
Anyone who laughs at the fact that the Photon 4G requires the HD dock to root, I can bet you, I can obtain root on the Photon 4G faster than you can an Evo3D (just as long as it's during sprint store hours). Any Photon owner can literally walk into a Sprint store, plug in their Photon 4G for testing purposes (just say you want to see how it works and if you like it or not to buy), and download the files you need via webtop in a minute and walk out root capable.
This is especially true for anyone who hasn't really delved into android and is afraid of breaking something. You literally type like 3-4 lines.
People who make out the Photon 4G root process as complicated don't understand how truly easy it is to root.
so post the photon unlocker and charge a buck.