Originally Posted by TheLovatScout
Oh, well I def won't be wasting my time on the Evo 3D. The specs are good, I just can't buy into the 3D fad...
Im really not into the 3D aspect of the Evo 3D either....especially since i bought my wife a 3DS and she dont even use the damn 3D slider at all and it looks cheesy as hell.....but my TP2 is going to the trash....the plastic is peeling of my screen from the bottom left corner has multiple scratches and dings and is running slower than ever......i just need a new phone and the Evo 3D drops on my birthday so why not upgrade.....i always buy my phones off contract so i dont have to be stuck on contract just in case i want to ditch Sprint.....had this upgrade for 2 years now might as well use it