Thread: Evo 4g/Evo 3D
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Old 06-08-2011, 04:47 PM
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Re: Evo 4g/Evo 3D

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
There are other things that matter such as refresh rate, color gamut reproduction, total colors, efficiency, contrast..there is mroe to thigns then just higher resolution and 3d that are just as important if not more important...
Feel free to list them then. Don;t tell me efficiency matters unless you are going to list the efficiency of both devices. We know the Evo 3D has a higher resolution and glasses free 3D. These are big deals.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
most people use facebook to post pics..or places like they support 3d image format? and when you convert them to 2d..will it be 2mp or 3mp?
I don't know how many megapixels they convert at. But I can assure you it is plenty enough for facebook since you keep saying that is the only thing people use their camera for.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
You do realize skype for example where most of video chatting is done is PC to PC..and Cell phone to PC is going to be like half the convos? not just cellphoen to cellphone..not to mention some people have tablets with higher resolutions too..
And you do realize skye isn't showing a 2 megapixel video stream, right? So, again, tell me why the front camera is enough for you to label it an advantage on the sammy when you have never even seen a pic from the HTC. You said it was based on extra megapixels, but I have yet to hear os a use case where those extra megapixels will ever be used by anyone. The thing is designed for video chat which doesn't display nor stream a 2 megapixel video stream.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
*facepalm* Encrypted nand IS NOT bootloader related..what it means is YOUR personal data is encrypted to prevent people from stealing it if your phone gets a virus or is stolen or some app tries to get more info then it should..its is VITAL for all business things like this can prevent your corporate secrets from being stolen! It also helps individuals protect their information..
It is not VITAL for business, lol. Do you even know what you're talking about? Tell me this: if an IT guy has a hundred devices to prepare and hand out to an entire department, and all of them will be identical... Say he gets a nand backup of the first device. He then tries to restore that nand on the other 99 devices. Will this work on the Sammy? Is that a good thing or bad thing? Do you think this would work on the HTC? Is that a good thing or bad thing?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
First of all..even if the entire USA were to ban every single samsung would not go out of would definitely hurt yes...but not out of business..most of Samsungs sales are outside the US...
Maybe not totally out of business, but it would be a huge, huge blow.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Now..Samsung is a monopoly outside the US..and have support of their government..this gives them advantages...the US will not intervene in another countries affairs..its not their place to..all US will regulate is Samsung USA branch...this branch does not sell components though..Samsung Korea does..which is outside of their regulation.
Again, please research this before you comment any further. You are dead wrong. Samsung is absolutely under the authority of both the WTO and the ITC. And I am getting tired of correcting your blatantly false claim to the contrary. Again, research it before you comment any further on it. YEs, Samsung is free to do whatever they can get away with in Korea. But once they sell a single product in another country, they are under the authority of the WTO and ITC. Period. This is a fact.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
no thats not what is what happens..Samsung invents new technology..makes the chips (these chips ARE NOT FOR SALE) and uses them in their OWN devices..HTC and other OEMs CANNOT buy this component for a few months after..but it takes time to plan..hence they either use older components or order from someone else...either way samsung has an advantage by using unreleased components that no one else can get their hands on.
That is totally fine for them to do. It doesn't give them any advantage though. It's not like Samsung is the only company making components. HTC is free to buy whatever components they want from whoever they want.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
no plea bargain, he admitted it flat out and is not getting punished...hes just above the law there :/
That is exactly what a plea bargain is. The accused pleads guilty- aka admits he committed a crime. Seriously, every single day countless people in the USA plead guilty and don't go to jail. And the more money you have, the more serious crimes you can get away with.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Ok, your misunderstanding again..
I am absolutely not misunderstanding. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. I'll explain below...

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
first of all Samsung already had CM support, not as long as HTC of course but HTC was the first device Cyanogen owns hence HTC got support, that said many devices outside of HTC had support as well just lesser known brands, Cyanogen now own an LG phone...
First of all, CyanogenMod is a TEAM, not a person. There are several people involved that own many different devices. It's not one person who happens to own this type of phone. Secondly, I never claimed that HTC devices were the ONLY devices supported by Cyanogen. I said the Galaxy S was not. As you can see here:
Samsung Captivate First Galaxy S With Official CM7 Nightly

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
second of all, this isn't limited to CM..they sent A BUNCH of free phones out to now developers dont need to beg for donations to get their new phone so they can develop for it.. Samsung will provide them with new OEM did this before...and whats better is if they brick their phones..Samsung has top notch warranty...aka I can take my phone and smash it against the wall and Samsung will replace it to me free of charge...HTC will give me the option of buying a new one at FULL retail value..or hold my phone hostage until I pay them 27$ for return shipping...
Again, HTC already has developer support. They didn't need to do this. All of the major devs out there already have HTC ROMs. Samsung is the one playing catch up here, not HTC.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
And if you read the comments on engadget and the other sites who published this..a HUGE amount of people said they are now gonna skip the Evo 3D to get the SGS 2 when it hits the US because of this...
Care to place a bet on which one sells more? Just because a few people on engadget said they will get the Galaxy S 2 doesn't mean anything. I guarantee HTC will sell a whole lot more phones than Samsung, just like they always do. And there will be plenty of custom ROMs for every one of the HTC phones, just like there always is. Samsung is the one playing catch up here. And how ironic that you said HTC was just catching up, at best, to what every other OEM did several years ago. Clearly, HTC is not the one playing catch up here.
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