Originally Posted by AAB9562
HI i just an epic 4g and i try every website and every way possible to root the phone i have an evo and i rooted easily and unrooted too. but for some reason with this epic im having such a hard time. i download it the right drivers , the sdk, and the one click zip that is supposed to root the phone . from every website i get the file once im running that it give me an error . rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin not found or missing. and i am not able to root the phone i have tried a lot of web sites and download it the file but i keep getting the same error can someone help me root my epic. i will appreciate that. thank you
You don't really need the sdk, all stuff come bundle in the zip except the drivers..anyways..whats going on is your antivirus is quarantines the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file...unzip it and tell your AV to leave that file alone..