I decided to run the VisionKernal 1.2 on my phone. If my phone bricks you won't find me crying about it. I knew the risk when I flashed this beautiful Kernel, this work of art.
I will not be a sissy and back away from your vision1.2 just because I heard that some of people's phone got bricked. People have a tenancy to post bad news and not share good news.
VisionKernal 1.2 is the best Kernel I have put on my phone so far.
I am using the Midnight Rom V5.2 Standard no journal and your VisionKernal 1.2 and I am getting phenomenal battery life less than 1% battery drain when idol.
Keep up the good work. Granted I have my phone processor running at 600 mhz. But man my phone runs smoother than stock rom at 1000 mhz.
Thank you for all of your hard work. I guess if you can make a version without undervolting the RAM maybe more people can enjoy your magic. Anyways I am lucky so far 2 days no problems and getting better battery life each day.
On a separate topic, I have a OEM 1650 battery coming in the mail in 2 weeks from Europe. Even more killer battery life so watch out battery phone drainage VisionKernal 1.2 is coming for your butt!!!