Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/6.0.24463/24.746; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)
Originally Posted by oisact
Thanks. I got it. I'm trying to build under OSX. The main difference is that OSX filesystem is typically not case sensitive by default, so you have to create an image that is case sensitive in which to build Android. It seems the paths are hardcoded to the user's root directory though. So it's looking in /Users/USERNAME/android/prebuilt/...etc for GCC. In my case it needs to be looking in /Volumes/Android/prebuilt/...
So I might have to tweak some makefiles or shell variables. I'll post here if I have success building under OSX.
I'm not very familiar with OS X, but for the git cloning part, just make a folder somewhere like your desktop, then use bash to browse into that folder and start cloning in there. Then if you use my sh script, you can just change the variable for the Android folder path in the header section. and it should work great after that.