Originally Posted by Leeboy
The only problem I see with this method, is the fact that once U pick ur favorite speed, the phone continues running @ that speed all the time. By using the scripted method off the storage card, U have a polling interval which kicks the phone in the ass when it needs it and when it does'nt, it resorts back to it's idle speed. I've tried both methods exclusively on various Energy Roms, and the problem I had with the winmospeed method was.......every time the phone was on standby.......just the screen off.......as soon as the phone rang, I had instant freeze ups. While this might be device specific, I feel safer with the scripted method on the storage card. If nothing else, I get better battery life because the phone isn't running @ high speeds all the time. But when duty calls, the phone kicks into high gear 
Nope, Winmospeed defaults back to the stock speed after a soft reset.