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Old 03-28-2011, 08:37 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by Sting32 View Post
I have one nagging problem I cannot figure out, I had a stable version installed (the xdandroid, released mid January... but I finally decided to try newer and destroyed that version... No matter what version I try now even this GBX04a, every time I open the browser, it flashes, then crashes back to windows. if I stop the page from loading all the way (on screen about you see about 5mm left to load at google home page on that loading bar) it "can" live, but next link you open will flash really bright then back to windows. I will try right now to change home screen I guess?

Could this be becuase I use the wrong startup? on that 1st one, from XDAndroid I thought I was instructed to use rhod500 for my CDMA Touch Pro, on verizon, so I assumed that woudlnt change, but now I doubt any information I thought I knew.

I have gone back to every version except the original pre packed XDA frx02 version, and they all act the same? what am I doing wrong? However one thing I been consistant on, I unzip to andboot folder, then erase card on phone, then copy this over and edit the same rhod500 folders, startup.txt giving the rel_path=andboot

DO I need to make it be in GBX04A folder instead of andboot? or something else i do/did stoopidly? thanks

yep, rel_path=gbx04a

EDIT: sorry, just re-read the question again. After 7zip you have a folder labeled "gbx04a" within that you are pulling your startup text from "startup" folder. the startup.txt will probably be labeled rel_path=gbx04a....if this is the case, copy and past the unzipped folder labled gbx04a onto the root of your card. just make sure your correct startup.txt is in that folder and you should be good

just checked---when it's unzipped it's called froyo x ginger cdma---once unzipped rename the folder gbx04a and make sure the startup.txt is labeled the same (for ease of use, I renamed my folder "ginger" and made my startup text rel_path=ginger)
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Last edited by ffkip911; 03-28-2011 at 10:17 PM.
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