Originally Posted by Esmartuek
Hate to burst any bubbles, but the Arrive is not 4G. It is very aware of wifi, though, and is compatible with 802.11n. (but not on the 5GHz freq)
4G is new enough that I would not expect it to be in every new device yet, they're still trying to figure out what they're even doing (WiMAX vs. LTE)
Once you get the Arrive and reset it, the 3G still feels plenty fast, as CDMA 3G will always be faster because of the transmission methods behind CDMA.
I should have clarified. I do understand that the Arrive is currently 3G but, does it have the hardware built-in to be able to go 4G when it is available. I am trying to cost justify these two phones by getting rid of cable broadband in home if 4G is available in the near future for these phones.