Originally Posted by Vegasden
I think you are a bit misinformed. First off, the front camera does work in the camera app. I just tried it again to confirm.
I mentioned in my previous response that the developers of the apps (Qik, etc.) haven't released working software for Gingerbread, which is what CM is based. Probably because, with the exception of very few phones, Gingerbread isn't "prime time" yet. In a very quick Google I see some reporting Fring working but the others are not yet.
So, in this case it's not the rom having issues, it's waiting for the apps to catch up.
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! You are right lol!, Fring does work! I came to the conclusion that the front camera must not be working after trying the Mirror App as well the others I mentioned, and to find them all crashing. This really makes me wonder what are all the differences with Gingerbread and Froyo. I have noticed that the screen slightly glows when you scroll to the bottom of a setting in Gingerbread, but I am not sure whether it is CM or the OS.