Originally Posted by WhiteBlazer01
I did notice in google maps, and maps that are downloaded (i.e. any maps you already have in view), are cached, so you don't need to connect to data to download more. However, if you zoom in/out, or scroll to an area not cached, then you'll need the data connection
exactly, but......
I wish the road names were always encoded into the map. I hate having to zoom into "street" level. it should always show the road names of the route, and/or let you touch a road and have a popup name.
arg.... so annoying all the gps stuff has been (using since tt4, ipaq)
while I'm gps complaining, why do they offer routes to avoid highways, but not hwy mandatory? If I had a dollar for every b-road I've gotten stuck on, well I could pay for a tow...