Originally Posted by ModmyPPC
Mcluvin with that taskbar cab will it disable the launch of the taskmanager and replace it with the drop down taskbar option? That you shown on your screen cabs.
I tried a link that sharkie gave a few pages back on disabling the launch of the task manager but it never worked. It didn't do anything. I disabled sense installed the cab reset the device and nothing happened.
I really want to disable the launch of the task manager when you select the taskbar. I much rather prefer the drop down taskbar..
To get the dropdown menu, you need to get rid of or disable HTC Notification Enhancement. It has nothing to do with Sense. I googled it for you and the first link look like it will get the job done (at least with older version of Notification enhancement).
disable htc notification enhancement - Google Search
edit - since you said task manager, that may only make it work for pressing over by the icons. If you're actually talking about the notification enhancement, then the above should work fine. There are several programs that are actual task managers and some launch when you press a specific location on the taskbar (ie utask will launch a task manager when you press on the clock in the taskbar). Each of these programs can probably be configured to not launch a taskmanager or make the area it takes up in the taskbar smaller.