@NGRZ: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For baking recent CHT185 ROMs (March.8.2011).
Originally Posted by akeaw3000
QUICK REVIEW: Energy.RhodCdma.29007.Sense2.5.Co0kie2.0.Mar.06
Co0kie 2.0 is just completely annoying, as my quick links are still just moving around as they please. Then I got this strange, lone widget that was just hanging out on my homescreen, even though I didn't put it there.
This is exactly why I and others have requested CHT185 ROMs. The CHT2000 issues like this have gone completely ignored by the CHT/CHTE dev teams for months. See my prior post to NRGZ a few days ago about this.
What's funny is the folks on the other forums and Tweeter who tell NRGZ to ignore CHT185 requests. That you can emulate the "look and feel" of CHT185 in CHT2000. Well, if someone could emulate the stability of CHT185 in to CHT2000... I'm all for it.