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Old 03-06-2011, 02:05 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Feb 28| 21916|28244 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by jkraze View Post
not to down the rom or anything but i have been noticing that after all this time with the phone, how come its not perfect yet? I mean all i keep seeing in almost every post is nothing but problems with this phone. wheres the good stuff
Well, you have to think about it this way before you post a statement like that. First, its a very popular ROM. Second, lots of people from lots of carriers use it so it has to be suited best for general use even though it leans a little closer to sprint. And... most people are going to come here looking to solve a problem so they are going to ask for help. Also, lots of people like to run the 27, 28 and 29xxx rather than the more stable 21xxx. You are more likely to have problems with the "newer" builds than the tried and true 21xxx line.

NRG cooks a lot of different "flavors" for people to try and updates regularly. Try them out and pick which works best for you rather than making an assumption and griping about it. THEN and only THEN...if you have problems, you can gripe. Until then, try it out.

I for one will say that I have not had hardly any problems with any of NRG's ROMS. Seriously - and you can go back and search my posts if you want to verify that fact.

Having problems? Read the excellent wiki that gives you detailed answers to many of the common issues that can easily be fixed. Also, read the last few pages as most likely things were probably addressed there as well.

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