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Old 02-16-2011, 09:21 PM
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Re: Nokia says NO to google ! And says YES to Windows phone

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Yes, but right now there is no demand for WP7..or at least not in the same levels as the competition...

In the US, the market is ruled by the carriers..they can effectively do whatever they want..How I wish there would be a day where we could use any phone on any network..without going through the carrier :/

And yes, we both end up repeating stuff as we end up talking about the same stuff in multiple threads lol

ok yes they are ruled by carriers .carriers that already have android ,rim and iphones for godsake but at the sametime wp7 just came out and their not getting the same accolades as them other os's so whats so hard about putting out another os competing for the same love others have gotten thats the point the market is already flood with them os's .. lol yeah i noticed that who peat and repeat scenerio .. yeah i wish that was possible to use any phone on any carrier but that goes without resolution cause they all want to be sperated by a wall of superiority ..
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