Please read this entire post!
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I have created a complete bundle of FroYo with a kernel from GIT (Feb 28 / 1276), and the newest rootfs from GIT (Feb. 24).
Please, feel free to DONATE to the XDAndroid project!
Every little bit helps!
Download the full bundle (zip). (Updated Mar. 25 2011)
If instead you just want the
system.ext2 (zip) file by itself... (Updated Mar. 25 2011)
2. Extract it. You’ll see a folder, FRX06, copy its contents to the root of your SD card.
3. Go into the STARTUPS folder. Grab the appropriate startup.txt for your device (if you don't know what device you have, you should read the
FAQ), and move it to the root of the card
(or where you run haret.exe from. If you want to change the location of the build, put a rel_path= statement in the cmdline section of the startup.txt. Mine is located two folders deep on the SD, so my rel_path=Androids/TP2Ref)
4. Download the ts-calibration file from this post (should work for all RAPH/DIAM alike) and extract the .zip to where you run haret.exe from - typically the root or 'base' folder of the SD card. Not within any folders, unless you run haret.exe from a folder!
**To calibrate manually, you must use an older kernel from GIT (some have to use
1225) and generate the ts-calibration file. Once you have the calibration file
hold on to it (make 15 copies if it's a good one

), reboot & go back to the newest kernel! Thanks**
6. Run haret.exe... Profit!
Let it settle out on the first boot. Many have reported they had to reboot basically because it was so slow - if you let it sit for about 10 mins so the media scanner can go thru everything, etc. it will be much more pleasurable experience. If you want adb in and watch the processes via top, you'll see why the phone seems so slow - there's lots of background processes cranking because this is the first boot

Please read the...
If you have any issues with the kernel, feel free to change it:
There are some devices that are having issues with the newest kernels. Please see the
kernel autobuild service to get archived kernels. Once you download a replacement kernel, go to where you run haret.exe from - remove your old zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz. Take the new zImage/modules-xxxxx.tar.gz and replace the old ones, same folder - where you run haret.exe from. Make sure the ‘zImage’ is named just that. Do not rename the modules file, do not extract it - should be in .tar.gz format.
In addition, I am using the newest rootfs from GIT - Feb. 24. There are other rootfs options, see
F22’s thread if you want to use more keys or move around the home button. Of course, there's always the
roofs autobuild service if you want "stock" rootfs images - F22 builds his off of these and modifies them

Random issues can often be solved by forcing the system to create a new data.img. If you're worried about losing data, Titanium Backup works quite well. If you wish, you can rename the data.img to something else, and let the system create a new one - just to see if it resolves your problem.
Similarly, if you wish try formatting your SD card - I prefer to use the
HP Tool - do a full format, FAT32.
Even though this build is considered fairly stable, you are more than likely going to run into issues. The next post will address issues particular to this build -
PLEASE READ THESE before asking questions! Feel free to post questions in this thread, I will do my best to address them. Big thanks to stinebd for releasing the system image, and of course the other developers for their hard work on making these kernels available.