Re: Going insane, need pim help...
Try renaming the pim.vol file on you rphone to pim.bak.
Then, copy the pim.vol from the pc onto your phone. (in the same directory as the pim.bak) It should pick up all of your info.
I Used to back-up my pim.vol to my storage card every few days or so...just in case.
Now, I'm using pimbackup 2.5. It can be setup to automatically do a backup at whatever time you want it to. VERY cool!
Good luck!
The Ark: built by an Amatuer...
The Titanic: built by Professionals
VZW 6700 w/ Verizonguy's WM6:A4 =D>, Phoenix's 1.41 radio =D>, iLauncher 3.1, Mohairsoft's Calendar+ 2.5.2, HTC Audio Manager, Logitech F-0399a Bluetooth earpiece.