Thanks/d t-bob & ninja duck! I've gotta get out of here for a month or so & get a life.. between this & hockey, no life...
t-bob.. crying shame... surprised no one has rioted yet! I can read again!
Try this one, copy & paste from wiki faq... works for me...
Originally Posted by mdphoenix
Welp, WinMoSpeed WRECKED my phone. My beautiful phone. It didn't do any permanent d.....en just before it. Screw it, it was working just fine without OC. I'll just live with it.
Originally Posted by dtrush
All I could suggest is to do a hard reset and clear everything else. I.... Didn't want to go too high and risk bricking the stupid thing
It's no secret I'm not a big fan of winmospeed... don't get me wrong, when messing with droid, it's the best, push a 528 link/icon & push droid icon.. done! Easy for sure, simple, easy to explain, etc..
If you don't have any issues, USE IT! But I've seen quite a few, and strongly suggest a ton of these issues are related not to the ROM/cookie 2, instead to wimospeed. 1st thing i'd suggest if your having locking, sod (sleep of death), random reboots, etc.. is TAKE IT OUT OF WINDOWS\STARTUP, and test it without!
Every time I put it in my phone goes NUTS! Random everything above at all speeds... YES it could be simply that it's not playing well with other startup files or cabs I have installed... NO I haven't run it by itself with no installed cabs.. why should I? Simply switch it with setcpuspeed.lnk in the startup & everything is perfect! when I mess with droid more again soon, will probably do that...
Old trick: put the wimospeed .lnk file on your SD card (still have the program installed to the main memory). So, the .lnk in windows\startup calls storage card\wimospeed.lnk, which calls \program files\wimospeed\wimospeed.exe... that way if you lock up on startup, simply pop out your SD card & it won't start wimospeed and freeze you out of your tp2.
I can't for the life of me understand what's so hard about installing & setcpuspeed01d! Use to setup the OC msm7k does. It's easy, run it & choose: 729, 604,50 done. it'll put itself in windows\startup, reboot. 729 OC, 604 @ rest, 50 refresh. SAFE & takes about 1 min todo! again, try to call your setcpuspeed.lnk from \storage card
powinmo post a lengthy statement about wimospeed a week ago, in which could be oversimplified & summed up as saying it won't OC (OverClock) as high as others... hmmmmm, well... that is why I use it & I want the highest OC possible.
I find the highest most consistent speeds with msm/setcpu! Just my results, for me it works better... again, if no issues, certainly don't switch!
I believe there are links to DL msm & setcpuspeed in my howto link about 3/4 of the way down if anyone is interested.. it's one of the originals, but still smokes... IMHO