Originally Posted by hurdpcs
Not that I know of. The only thing that I found that works so far is to disable Sense and use the Titanium (Windows defaultin settings). Not much of an option. I have tried all of the other Energy builds and have not found one that will hang up.
my bt hangs up just fine...
@ninja thanks man that works great!
@tera ive been using the cooked in version of swype since 1/23 and it is working fine. no freezing lagging stalling or any other weird issues. ive noticed that nrg's cooked in version uses less files and the files are in different locations.

you asked for a short explanation about swype for the wiki?well after trying many swype cabs id have to say:
nrg's cooked in version of swype works great. it is the only version I have used that works with no lagging it freezing issues.