Re: Does Sprint want the iPhone? Their actions make it seem like so!
Hells to the no...
My wife might want one eventually... But not likely... My her two brothers who both have the iPhone are going to Sprint and they are getting the EVO. Which means they will most likely stay on Android as they are not Windows guys and they are tired of apple. My wife has the EVO Shift now and LOVES it. So not likely either. Unless her sisters get an iPhone which is also unlikely as both their birthdays are coming up and since their husbands copy me when it comes to gift giving... The two sisters will likely also get EVO Shifts.
So that's a big NO from a small sampling of the AZTECHKA kind.
So to summarize...
Me - no (Android waiting for WP7 phone of my liking)
Wife - no (Android will most likely be android for life LOL)
Wife's Brother #1 - no (Going Android from iPhone)
Wife's Brother #1's wife - Probably yes (Has iPhone and LOVES it)
Wife's Brother #2 - no (Going Android from iPhone)
Wife's Brother #2's girlfriend - Most likely no (Has iPhone likely will get Android)
Wife's Father- no (Likes basic phones)
Wife's Sister #1- no (Will get Android cuz her husband is a copy cat)
Wife's Sister #1's husband - no (He's all about the Nextel for work)
Wife's Sister #2 - no (Will probably also get Android as her husband is too)
Wife's Sister #2's husband- no (He has basic texting phone... Not likely to step up.
My Mom - Nope... Nextel free chirp to Mexico FTW.
My Sister #1- Not on Sprint and has basic texting phone... Not iPhone type. Same for her family...
My Sister #2- no Has EVO- Will stay on Android
My Sister #2's son - Has Android phone and will stay on android
My sister #3 - no has Android phone will stay on Android
My sister#3's husband... Not on sprint- will stay with basic texting phone.
My oldest son - NO... Hates apple- Want's windows phone may get swayed by Android
My second oldest son- No Has basic texting phone wants EVO Shift.
Everyone else is not on sprint or coming to Sprint.
So not worth mentioning.