Originally Posted by kozmo
Btw, you can get the 2.37 from a link in this post. Go to the stickies here for the 2.35 WV and the 2.32 sprint radio, then you can try all 3 radios and see which one works best in your location. It won't change anything on your ROM except the radio, so don't worry about losing contacts, settings etc.
First off, I have a Sprint TP2. To try all these radios, do I need to do anything special besides the unlocking I did to install some other roms? I thought I remember reading you need to be security or sim unlocked for radios. Can I download the Jan3 rom w/ 2.37 radio and have it work out immediately? The reason I ask is the link says CDMA Verizon MR3 update. Maybe I run the sprint provisioning cabs? I've only had the phone for a week and am not familiar with all this.