Originally Posted by zoglog
Seems to happen to me for all Roms, even if I don't install any additional programs. After the first week or so it starts to get sluggish. Any way around that?
LOL... there you go, you've now discovered why all ROM chefs say "this one is so much faster" :>)) LOL!!!
(Usually stuff like a zillion texts, emails, cookies, etc.. etc..)
Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.414; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)
Thanks man. I use NRG's ROMs during the day because I need Bluetooth for work. I'm a SysAdmin and do a little driving, and we are required to use headsets which means no NAND during the day.
I'm pretty sure at this rate my NAND will wear out before my 2 years are up, lol. Also, thanks on the VIP! What does that do other than show me as a VIP?
Re. VIP lol... don't get me started... I'm in the mood, must me that time :>))
Just wait until you get access to the VIP lounge !!!
All the secrets, applications, shortcuts, ROM's, Windows system files... Free T-shirts...
NOT (been there once, went back a 2nd time in pure disbelief..)
You get to change the VIP line! (which I haven't) Don't know yet, some think it's really cool... lol :>))
Originally Posted by sly
You're stable @768?! Damn, best my phone can do is 748. I turned it down to 721 and that's been flawless. The advantage of WiMoSpeed is that you can drop the speed back to stock for running Android without rebooting the phone.
A fellow syadamin! Any other sysadmins in here?
Just saw NRG's Changelog for today's ROM...the SYS hasn't changed and there's not much else. Maybe I'll sit this one out.
Misstated, sorry 787.2, yea good mojo (you must've missed my pic with the hotties.. lol)
Agreed on Wimo & droid, just typed that yesterday in a different thread.
Re. sysadmin... use to hire people that hired them... a few years ago does that count? :>)) (must be getting old)
Me too, sit this one out. Can't wait for the new toys...
Gotta go take some aspirin for the headache I just got from "Unstoppable".