01-05-2011, 09:46 PM
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cmonex is back!! Any issues & problems after reading these tips, go to her site.. follow instructions below!
# 4  Yesterday, 05:51 PM
cmonex post:
you need to check what error you get in the Automatic flash mode.
if it launches the RomUpdateUtility in Auto mode, and errors out with 262 connection error, then check USB troubleshooting tips at Olipro->Creations(&Unlockers); - RhodiumW Hard-SPL (note, if you have a GSM Rhodium, don't try downloading from any of the file links there. but the tips apply just the same)
if it doesn't get that far and says you used this program before, then send us a request to get another use for it (this is free, donation is only optional if you are happy to do so): HTC-Unlocks Support
if the error is none of the above 2, let us know what it is exactly.
edit: I just noticed you put a rom on the SD card. please don't do that while Hard-SPL unlocking. best to remove the SD card, then you can be sure nothing is left on it that could interfere.
Last edited by teradog; 01-05-2011 at 09:49 PM.