Originally Posted by jerryyyyy
Since I am new here am looking for a strategy for trying new ROMs. I assume that if I make a backup (I use Sprite Backup), if I flash a new ROM, I can always backtrack to the old ROM by re-flashing the old one and restoring the backup?
Or is there a simpler/better way?
Comments appreciated and am liberal with THANKS...
i use xda_uc. its built into energyrom. after i flash a new rom all i have to do is set my theme and restore my cht settings/fonts. ive got uc set up to erase unwanted files/folders, setup my email accounts, move files, install all my cabs, import reg entries, restore all my settings and lots more. let me know if you need help and i can send you the files you need in order to do this. i dont like making complete backups of all files and reg entries like sprite does since this can cause issues from rom to rom.