Originally Posted by cloudtp2
i didnt see a wiki on this or another post. while i had the tethering app on my phone on and using my computer, i got a phone call, then i lost my internet connection.
is there a way to do both at the same time. or is this like not being able to go on the internet and talking on ur phone at the same time?
btw i was tethering using wifi.
lol not going to happen if you're on CDMA network... if you're on GSM network like at&t and tmobile... you can voice and data at the same time. But not on the CDMA. Currently, Verizon and Sprint are using this technology and you can't do both at the same time. Period. If you have a google number use that to make/receive calls or text-ing though voip/sip technology.
All while it works now... but I'm not sure if this service will be affected when Net neutrality sets in.
Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
not gonna happen. lol thats why i use pdanet while tethered cause you can text from pc.
Text from a pc using what? If receive a text message from your phone you are disconnected from the internet for a short period before being reconnected... sprint phones take sms/voice as the top priority... second is data so if you're receiving lots of text messages while streaming a youtube videos at the same time you can watch your buffer get slowed a little bit.
Both sms and voice will get you disconnected.