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Old 12-11-2010, 09:26 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.401; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Originally Posted by mpannen
To Nate or ACL:

Thanks for all your hard work. I am trying out the 12/11 build with the panel off code, and what I am experiencing is when I try to wake up the phone, the backlight will flicker on and off, but eventually it will come on if I try it enough. Upon receiving a call, the backlight will turn on by itself and remain on.

I don't know how to use haret, but if you provide me with some quick instruction on how I can connect to the haret network socket using Linux (Ubuntu) or Windows, I can try to provide any details you might need that would help.

I have the complete build environment installed so I could test out changes if that is needed. Sorry I cannot provide any coding expertise but I do know a lot about Linux and I can find my way around source code files and such.

Again, thanks for your hard work--the NAND build you have got going is by far the most stable and fast Android I've tried on my RHOD400 yet.

Another question--Does the power management work in mode 0? I see in the tinboot config file that it is set to 2. Does 0 work all that well?
ACL is the genius. I just follow directions well

I'll put together a package and details on haretconsole for you when I get home. Also, never tried the sleep mode, but you can edit tinboot and try it out
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