Originally Posted by ooxteme
Notice a improvement?
like was said it doesn't give you any real improvements besides picking up new towers that we can use so to my knowledge you won't/shouldn't see any difference.
Originally Posted by friedmjb
I have a Verizon TP2. Out of curiousity, what the heck is a PRL anyhow?
like what was stated below it's just an updated roaming list so it updates the towers that are available, i think for verizon you do a *228 and then you can update yours, been a while since i had verizon but that's what we used to have to do.
Originally Posted by PPCFreak
Wirelessly posted (VZW TP2: Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
carriers Prefeered Roaming List.
This allows the phone to roam to different cell towers as long as they are in thr PRL file.
correct, thanks for answering that, i'm at work and sometimes work gets in the way of me being on the thread, damn job lol.