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Old 11-30-2010, 05:25 PM
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General Reactions/Feelings/Policy...ect.

After stewing for a day over this I fig'd I'd shoot the community a questionaire for feedback. Not sure which way I should go with this but after 6 months of having a great EVO, It had a small flaw with the screen so I took it in and they replacedthe device with a worries. Done. I get my refurb and the screen has a Liquid Crystal blot/spot. Took it in again after a week, and he replaced my screen. I didn't watch him as I ran out and came back, got in my car and noticed its a marred up dented up screen and outside. Keep in mind I am maticulous with my devices. How would you feel and what would you do in the aftermath. Sidenote: I was caught in limbo on how I felt and didn't have the time yesterday to fight it. Thanks for the feedback in advance=D>
I now know why the female reps have been all annoyed with me for all those "image" apps I downloaded.
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