Originally Posted by gTen
And for their sakes they really need to stop calling it Windows Phone....Windows = PC if you ask any person..well almsot any to most others Windows = a hole in the wall that you can look out and see outside sometimes made of glass (crazy I know)
Maybe that's what MS wants is for people to think of this phone as a PC. Maybe unlike you MS is looking far into the future. These phones these days have the computing power of a 486 PC of the 80's and if you think they will not get more powerful you are not to bright. MS is probably looking at these phones as what they will eventually become, which is a phone and a laptop. One day instead of carrying around a bulky laptop or Pad PC you will carry around a collapsible 15" monitor and keyboard in a 5" X 5" carrying case. When you open and power them up it will auto-connect to your phone and you are now using your phone as a laptop. So now Windows PC = Phone. This will happen within the next ten years, so MS probably has a method to their madness. Any phone OS manufacturer not thinking in this direction now will get caught playing catch up like MS is now and they are probably trying to become the front runner. Get out of your little box, its a box of failure. If you don't believe me neither did everyone else who laughed a my Kyocera 6035 palm phone when I told them it was the future. They are not laughing anymore and are trying to be like me. I just laugh when they try to show me their new little gadgets, its just cracks me up. I just say your about ten years late. LOL