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Old 11-22-2010, 02:16 PM
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Re: Aspiring chef here .. need some help :)

If you provide more details, people may be able to help you better. What kitchen are you using? Did you make it yourself by dumping a stock ROM and going from there? Everything you put in the ROM will be in \windows. Things like ringtones that get moved to \windows\rings will take up twice the amount of space since they are copied to another location (5mb of ringtones will take 10mb of ROM space, unless you use tweaks to keep ringtones in \windows). The same goes with any file that gets copied anywhere (\my documents, \program files,etc.). You can change lots of programs so they just run from \windows. I also just install my ringtones with a cab using sashimi.

From what I've read, freezas didn't contain much of anything. They apparently didn't even contain all of the dependencies to make hardware like the camera work. Just say what kitchen you are using and it will be much easier to help you.
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