Originally Posted by krazydude
well if a lot of us get down to using titanuim again NRG might just start updating them more frequently..
Come oN NRG more frequently updated titanuim roms please
i believe it was posted before by NRG himself that he won't update the titanium rom series because nothing new has came out for it to warrant an update.
Originally Posted by saj070
Thank you again will try the battery cab .
i will just have to wait for newer version of the same rom and test the SPB backup and will post if it does work or not
sounds to me like you think that spb will just update the newest rom your on, which is not the case, to my knowledge it just makes a complete back-up of the rom and all programs and settings you are running and makes that into an .exe file that you can use to restore to that rom in case something goes wrong with the new rom or if you don't like it, it won't update the new rom with settings and programs from the spb back-up, unless there is a new version out that does that and i'm not aware of it.