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Old 10-26-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: HDMI output using VLC Stream & Convert, and VLC

Originally Posted by thomlanphear View Post
It sounds like you need to be on your own wireless network, which means it will work at your home but once you leave and go camping, shopping etc. then it won't stream because you are no longer on the same wireless network?
It works while on the go that's how I have it setup currently. I just gave the directions on how to setup configuration while on the same network. Once you get everything up and running it's a lot easier to configure your setup for wan data connection.

On your network router port forward port 8080, and 5554 to your PC that has VLC installed on it.

Then make the following changes on your phone by opening "VLC Stream & Convert" press the menu button --> Connect and enter you WAN IP address in the IP address field, or host name if your using ddns services.

That's it now your configure for on the go use.

Last edited by mardukeme; 10-26-2010 at 04:12 PM.
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