10-20-2010, 07:06 AM
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Originally Posted by weefa
Originally Posted by stanglifemike
So, we think we can just buy an external battery charger and our charging problems are solved. Right? Wrong!! I recently noticed that when charging in one of my external chargers that the battery didnt seem to last as long as when it was charged in my dock with external battery charger. I can charge the battery in my external charger, and I guess once the light changes telling you that it is charged - thats it, it does not charge anymore as a safety feature (which is nice, if it was actually fully charged!!). I can leave it in there for hours after the fully charged light comes on, put the battery in my dock with external charger, and it immediately starts charging it(red light showing that it isnt charged, green light once it is charged).
Didnt know if you guys knew about this or not, but it sucks that you may think that your using an external charger and getting all that you can out of your battery when really you would get hours more battery life with a different charger. Hope this helps some of you out!!
The charger that IS NOT CHARGING the battery fully:

Ditch the eBay charger or you'll run the risk of damaging the battery and/or fire. Most of the eBay chargers are designed to charge 2-3 times and be thrown away. Open up one of those $2.50 eBay chargers and you'll see why.
Weird I been using the charger for like a months n none tht happeN yet